1. Interview Format
The host or hosts interview guests relevant to the overall theme of the podcast.
Guests do most of the talking.
Guests bring their own following to the show.
Doing good interviews harder than most people think.
Booking guests can be difficult.
2. Solo Monologue/Commentary Format
The host spends the entire episode talking about a topic or theme.
Simpler editing – just one voice!
Clearer to market and advertise – listeners identify with the host.
It's hard to talk about something for 15 minutes or more and keep people engaged.
Continually creating fresh and new content can be a struggle.
3. Co-host/Conversational Format
Two (or more) hosts spend an episode discussing various topics or themes.
Less burden on one person for content creation.
Listeners feel like their part of the conversation.
Co-hosts need to be on the same page.
Co-hosts need to be able to align their schedule and availability.
4. Panel Format
Like the interview format, but with multiple guests.
Multiple guests attract a wider audience.
Show can establish itself as an industry leader/influencer.
You think booking just one guest is hard? Try three or four at a time!
A LOT of post-production and editing work.
5. Storytelling Format
This podcast tells a story, real or fictional.
People love a good story!
Addition of clips and audio effects can enhance the appeal.
A LOT of post-production and editing work.
A LOT of work to discover and tell original stories.
6. Repurposed Format
This repurposes material from elsewhere into a podcast, such a live radio show or church message into a podcast.
Content already exists.
Generally simpler to edit and produce.
Same content available elsewhere.
May not be as desirable via podcast format.
Not sure which format is right for you? – Resonate Media is here to help!